Rated 5 out of
Christy from
Love the ingredients and NO artificial sweeteners!
I absolutely hate water so I’ve been looking for something with flavor but still healthy without any chemicals or artificial flavors! This is great and on 10 calories for one bottle and stevia leaf used as the sweetener!! Thank you so much for making this great product that’s actually refreshing and HEALTHY!!!
Date published: 2024-08-21
Rated 5 out of
Wellsh from
Great taste and No More Xylitol
When I realized my favorite drink contained xylitol I quit buying them. I was in Sam's Club and decided to give them another look. I read over the ingredients again and now NO xylitol! So happy to have a truly healthier version of this coconut flavored drink! So happy!
Date published: 2024-08-14
Rated 3 out of
Marlanas from
changed formula disappointment
I've been buying this drink, Coconut Bai, for a very long time. Maybe a decade? so imagine my disappointment when I found out that you changed the formula and subsequently changed the entire flavor of the drink. i can do it, but it's not as enjoyable. i probably should've told you how much I loved it the first time 1000 bottles,maybe you wouldn't have changed it. any chance you've got some of the old formula hanging around that you could send? it would definitely be a five star choice if we could go back to the original.
Date published: 2025-02-19
Rated 3 out of
ro63 from
Tasted water Diluted normally it’s great
Tasted like water this time . Normally it thicker and strong flavored . Please don’t change anything . I could not finished this bottle . And I purchased a variety case from Sam's
Date published: 2024-03-25
Rated 1 out of
Punacoconut sad from
New flavor is terrible
You changed the formula for the worse. I used to drink Molokai coconut and puna pineapple in place of water. Now I can’t stand it. Bring back the old formula.
Date published: 2024-04-26
Rated 1 out of
Cardimom from
Thumbs down new formula
I exclusively drink Bai and purchase several cases at a time. How disappointing to pick up boxes with new branding, only to find that the flavors and quality have changed and are very watered down now. On the hunt for a new water now. If you change it back let us know.....
Date published: 2024-04-11
Rated 1 out of
Asherslala from
You changed it
And not for the better. The flavor is MUCH less concentrated. What a ripoff. We’ve been purchasing these variety packs for several years, even after you eliminated my coconut lime. NOT HAPPY
Date published: 2024-04-01