We all know there are endless expensive skin care products lining the shelves of convenience stores, beauty salons, and probably your own bathroom. What most people don’t know, though, is that natural, cheaper alternatives are often more effective.
Oily skin and pimples can have an impact on not only a person’s appearance, but also their self-esteem. Although a surplus of products is available in stores and online, these products aren’t always effective, nor are they cheap. Sometimes, the best treatment is one that comes straight from nature. Below are simple natural alternatives to shelling out $40 for a cream you’re not sure even works.
1. Diet
You’ve probably heard the saying, “You are what you eat.” In terms of your skincare, this does hold true. Sugary foods can contribute to breakout. When your blood sugar levels fluctuate, it may trigger a hormonal reaction that increases sebum production and leads to your pores becoming blocked. You should aim to eat a healthy diet rich in vitamin-packed fruits and vegetables.
2. No Soap on Your Face
You may be wondering how you wash your face if you’re not using soap. You’re probably thinking there’s no way your face is going to stay oil free without it, but natural remedies provide a sound alternative. These remedies won’t strip your face of too many of the natural oils, which can be counterproductive. Instead of soap, try using raw honey. Use about 1/2-teaspoon of raw honey and rub it all over your entire face. Rinse with lukewarm water. Honey has antibacterial properties that help to prevent outbreaks as well as the ability to remove the excess oil on your skin without stripping your skin of all oils. Plus, it will leave your skin feeling moisturized.
3. Forget to Exfoliate
Don’t worry if you forget to exfoliate. In fact, it’s best if you forget about exfoliating more often than not. It’s not safe on your skin to do every day or every other day, and you may want to just stop it all together. Exfoliates and scrubs may lead to permanent skin damage and may even cause early signs of aging.
4. Use Oil
Using an oil-based skin care product sounds absurd, doesn’t it? Why would you ever want to put more oil on your skin if you already have oily skin? Well, it’s quite simple actually. When you use products to dry your skin out, it signals your glands to overcompensate and increase oil production. However, when you use oil, your skin will eventually begin to get closer to normal. Don’t panic if your skin appears more oily than usual at first. This is normal, and it will gradually decrease until the opposite effect occurs.
5. Natural Doesn’t Always Mean Natural
Sure, the packaging states that the product is natural, but that doesn’t mean it actually is an all-natural product. Your best bet is to make your own skincare products at home, so you know exactly what you’re putting on your face. For example, Pinterest has a huge selection of recipes for masks, facials, and hair serums that you can make from the ingredients right in your own cabinets.
If you’re tired of trying endless products, wasting money and not seeing results, try these natural remedies.